Général |
1- What is ANNONCE123.com? |
Annonce123.com is a Quebec based, FREE classified ad web site! ANNONCE123.com allows you to place an advertisement for a commodity or a service on the web site and profit from increased visibility throughout Quebec.
You wish to sell a commodity or a service or you are searching for a commodity or a service, ANNONCE123.com is the ideal place for you. Annonce123.com is a Quebec based, FREE classified ad web site!
Annonce123.com is FREE! The largest media information in Quebec is none other than the Internet; utilize it in order to promote the articles you wish to sell, the services you wish to offer and to make your searches in a complete free way.
2- The advantages of ANNONCE123.com |
ANNONCE123.com is a trailblazing web site of classifieds. We offer you much more than what similar payable services and free services offer you on the Internet.
Here are some of the advantages of ANNONCE123.com
A Headline of up to 50 characters per advertisement
Description of 800 characters per advertisement
Add up to 6 photos
Add these types of photo files, .gif, .png, .jpeg, .jpg
Photo can reach the size of 2 Megabytes
Photos are automatically adjusted without any loss of quality.
The published form will agree with the category selected
Choose the way that you wish to be contacted (by email or by telephone)
Post your availability for each of your telephone numbers
Monitor the traffic of your advertisement (statistics)
Add Bookmarks (to the advertisements which you find interesting)
3- I do not receive the emails from ANNONCE123.com |
If you are using a hotmail address to receive your emails, then this notice is for you. In the past few weeks, Hotmail has modified its anti-spam policy. Presently, the majority of emails sent from Internet web sites are placed in the “Junk Mail” folder. If you do not wish for that to happen, and wish to correct this problem, we recommend these 2 solutions: |
1st solution: |
In your junk mail folder, click on the message in the heading of the email from ANNONCE123.com and choose the option ”This message is not junk mail”.
2nd solution: |
1. Open a session with your Hotmail account or MSN
2. Click on ”Options”
3. Click on “Protection against junk mail”
4. Click on “Distribution List”
5. Add "en.annonce123.com" in your distribution list.
Become a Member |
1- Why become a member at ANNONCE123.com? |
Becoming a member at ANNONCE123.com is free!
Reasons to become a member at ANNONCE123.com
Registration is free
You can publish 5 free ads per day
You will have the possibility to add Bookmarks to advertisements that you find interesting
You run the chance of winning gifts from ANNONCE123.com
2- How to become a member at ANNONCE123.com? |
ANNONCE123.com created a registration form that is simple and easy to fill out.
To sign up now click here
How to manage my profile on ANNONCE123.com |
1- How to modify the information on my account? |
ANNONCE123.com offers you a user-friendly interface that allows you to modify the information entered into your account.
To get to this point, you must open a session first.
By clicking on the link above, you will be asked to open a session with your account at ANNONCE123.com and you will be redirected automatically to the section that allows you to modify your member profile.
Open a session and direct me towards modifying my profile
I am not able to remember my user name
I am not able to remember my password
2- How to recover my user name? |
You have lost your user name. ANNONCE123.com created a functionality that allows you to recover your user name and your password.
I am not able to remember my user name
3- How to recover my password? |
You have lost your password. ANNONCE123.com created a functionality that allows you to recover your user name and your password.
I am not able to remember my password
How to manage my Bookmarks |
1- What is a bookmark? |
A bookmark is a tool that allows you to memorize an advertisement on your account. The system of bookmarks allows you to keep the information - in the section “My Bookmarks” of your account - of posted advertisements on the web site that interest you, and which you would like to bring to your attention for different reasons.
2- How to add a bookmark? |
To add a bookmark, you must be a member of ANNONCE123.com. (Registration is free) Become a member
There are 2 ways to add a bookmark to your account.
Make a search to obtain the list of advertisements available.
For each one of the advertisements that correspond to your search, an icon entitled “Add a bookmark“ will be available.
Just click on this icon and a message will appear to indicate that your bookmark has been saved to your account.
ATTENTION: If you have not opened a session with your account ANNONCE123.com, a pop up window will appear and ask you to sign up using your user name and your password. Do not forget that the bookmark service is offered to members of ANNONCE123.com and that to be a member is free.
3- How can I see my bookmarks? |
ANNONCE123.com offers you an interface that allows you to see the saved advertisements in your bookmarks.
To get to that point, your must open a session first.
By clicking on the link below, we ask you to open a session with your account at ANNONCE123.com, and you will be redirected automatically to the section that allows you to see your bookmarks.
Open a session and redirect me to my bookmarks
If you have already opened a session, use the link above and you will be directly sent to the interface of your bookmarks without being obliged to reopen a new session.
Publish an advertisement |
1- How to publish an advertisement on ANNONCE123.com? |
To add an advertisement, just click on the button Publish an advertisement
2- Is there a delay before the publication of my advertisement? |
The advertisements are not automatically activated; they must pass through a validation process that can take up to 12 hours. It generally takes from 1 to 3 hours from Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.
3- How to know if my advertisement is posted on the web site? |
Once you have connected yourself to your account, the list of advertisements is posted along with the current status of the ads.
Payment with Dalpay |
1- Problems when making a payment with Dalpay? |
While making a payment on Dalpay, we are asking you to enter a password after you entered your credit card information
and you have no idea what it is? This doesn't allow you to complete the transaction? Please visit our page in regards
to the "verified by" password.
How to manage my advertisements |
1- Where do I go to manage my advertisements? |
To go and manage your classifieds, open a session of your account at ANNONCE123.com. Open a session and redirect me to my advertisements.
The list of classifieds registered to your account will appear, and to the right of each of your advertisements you will find a series of icons that permits you to: visualize, modify, delete, post your commodity as sold, or see your statistics….
Just click on the icon, which represents the action you wish to execute to interact with your advertisement.
Here is a list of the icons and their meanings:
Edit / Modify an Advertisement
Visualize the Advertisement
Delete the Advertisement
Statistics on the Advertisement
Publish an Advertisement again
Post the Advertisement as being SOLD
Reason of refusal of the publishing of an Advertisement
2- Can I modify an advertisement? |
Yes, it is possible to modify your advertisement, and moreover, as many times as you wish.
To do this, open a session with your account at ANNONCE123.com. Open a session and redirect me to my advertisements.
Click on the icon corresponding to the advertisement that you wish to modify.
The first section allows you to modify the details of your classified: the category, the type of advertisement, the duration of the advertisement, the title, the description, the price and the location. To access it, click on the button “Modify my details“.
The second section allows you to add and to delete the associated images associated with your classified or to modify the primary image. To access it, click on the button “Modify my images“.
The third section allows you to modify the contact information of your advertisement. To access it, click on the button “Modify my contacts“. If you wish to modify the preferences to set the main contact for all of your advertisements, please refer back to the section “How to modify the information on my account?”.
Take note that your advertisement will have to past through the evaluation process before being admissible to be posted.
NOTE: In order to keep the content of the web site efficient and clean of non-relevant remarks, you must respect adherence to the ETHICAL CODE or be under penalty of eviction without prior notice. Rules
3- My advertisement is taken (sold), how to remove my advertisement? |
It is advantageous to have your advertisement posted as being taken rather that deleting it.
The delay of deletion is 48 hours whereas the action of SOLD is immediate!
In order to post is as being taken, open a session with your account at Annonces123.com. Open a session and redirect me to my advertisements
Click on the icon corresponding to the classified that you wish to change the status to SOLD.
Your advertisement will stay posted for a certain amount of time, but it will be impossible for the users of the web site to contact you. The contact email will no longer be posted, and if your telephone number was posted on that advertisement, then it will no longer appear. Moreover, the writing of the word SOLD will be posted on your images, if you had some in your advertisement.
This is the only way for us to know the efficiency of our services. We thank you for helping us know and improve our services.
4- Can I delete an advertisement? |
Yes, it is possible to delete your advertisement. On the other hand, it is more to your advantage, if you sold your item, to use the functionality of SOLD rather than that of deletion.
Here is why:
The delay of deletion is 48 hours whereas the action of SOLD is immediate!
To delete a classified, open a session with your account at Annonce123.com. Open a session and redirect me to my advertisements.
Click on the icon corresponding to the classified that you wish to delete.
5- My advertisement was refused, how, and will I know why? |
For each one of the advertisements that has been refused, a representative of ANNONCE123.com will write to you the reason for the refusal. It is very simple to obtain the reason for the refusal. Just get to the section “My Advertisements” of your account, find the specific advertisement that you wish to know the reason for the refusal (It will be posted in red)
By clicking on the icon «REASON» to the right of the advertisement, a pop up window will open and describe to you the reason for the refusal.
This reason cannot be contested and is without recourse. For your advertisement to be accepted, modify it in order to fall within the frame of the user policy of ANNONCE123.com.
NOTE: In order to keep the content of the web site efficient and clean of non-relevant remarks, you must respect adherence to the ETHICAL CODE or be under penalty of eviction without prior notice. Rules
6- What to do when my advertisement is refused? |
For each one of the advertisements that has been refused, a representative of ANNONCE123.com will write to you the reason for the refusal. It is very simple to obtain the reason for the refusal. Just get to the section “My Advertisements” of your account, find the specific advertisement that you wish to know the reason for the refusal (It will be posted in red)
By clicking on the icon «REASON» to the right of the advertisement, a pop up window will open and describe to you the reason for the refusal.
This reason cannot be contested and is without recourse. For your advertisement to be accepted, modify it in order to fall within the frame of the user policy of ANNONCE123.com.
NOTE: In order to keep the content of the web site efficient and clean of non-relevant remarks, you must respect adherence to the ETHICAL CODE or be under penalty of eviction without prior notice. Rules
Commentaries and Suggestions |
1- Why write a commentary? |
Your valuable commentary will allow ANNONCE123.com to justify its presence on the Internet, to better know the point of view of its users, to know the strong points of its service as well as any weak points. All commentary will be read carefully!
To send us some of your commentaries, write to us at the following address:
[email protected]
2- How can I give my commentary? |
All commentary will be read carefully!
To send us some of your commentaries, write to us at the following address:
[email protected]
3- Why give a suggestion? |
If you have a novel idea, which can facilitate, improve, and help the users on ANNONCE123.com, make us privy to it. All the users of Annonce123.com will be grateful to you, since a more efficient web site will lead to a more satisfying experience to the people using our service.
All suggestions will be read carefully!
Leave us your contact information with your suggestion, as we would like to thank you in our way with the acceptance of your suggestion.
For all suggestions you can write to us at [email protected]
4- How to give a suggestion? |
All suggestions will be read carefully!
Leave us your contact information with your suggestion, as we would like to thank you in our way with the acceptance of your suggestion.
For all suggestions you can write to us at [email protected]
Complaints |
1- Why submit a complaint? |
In order to keep the content of our web site efficient and clean from non-relevant remarks, it is a must that we filter its content. With the constant increase in the number of publications on our web site and for different reasons, some advertisements, which do not comply with our policy, may be found on our web site.
An advertisement is provocative, shocking, abusive, or contains language that is inappropriate, is illegal in nature, a user has either sold or is trying to sell stolen items to you, or a user offers a fraudulent service or any other reason!
Please notify us without delay by writing an email and submitting it to the following email address:
[email protected]
Your complaint will stay confidential. We will not divulge to anyone the origin of the complaint whether it be accepted or refused. The confidentiality of our service is assured.
2- Will my complaint stay confidential? |
Yes, your complaint will remain confidential. We will not divulge to anyone the origin of the complaint whether it be accepted or refused. The confidentiality of our service is assured.
3- How can I submit a complaint? |
An advertisement is provocative, shocking, abusive, or contains language that is inappropriate, is illegal in nature, a user has either sold or is trying to sell stolen items to you, or a user offers a fraudulent service or any other reason!
Please notify us without delay by writing an email and submitting it to the following email address:
[email protected]
Your complaint will stay confidential. We will not divulge to anyone the origin of the complaint whether it be accepted or refused. The confidentiality of our service is assured.