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Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1101 BV
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For all requests concerning an advertisement, write to us at one of the following email addresses indicated below. is a web site of free classified ads with an ever-increasing number of members. In order to supply our members and end users with an efficient and free service, we suggest to you a service of electronic processing.

In order to reply to every request, and with, the shortest delay possible, here is the procedure that we suggest:


You have questions with regard to our web site and of its functionalities:

Read carefully the section entitled Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ section)


You have discovered an error or “bug” on our web site:

How can you inform us:

By writing an email to [email protected]

In order to correct the situation, explain to us as precisely as possible the details of how the error occurred and in which way we can reproduce that same error.


You are not able to register yourself, or to publish an advertisement:

You can communicate with us via email at the following email address:

[email protected]

Please explain your situation to us, and provide us with as many details as possible that encompasses the problem you have encountered. A representative of will contact you in the shortest delay possible to help you.

NOTE: To obtain an answer, indicate the number of your advertisement, your user name and the email address associated with your account.


You would like to lodge a complaint:

An advertisement is provocative, shocking, abusive, or contains language that is inappropriate, is illegal in nature, a user has either sold or is trying to sell stolen items to you, or a user offers a fraudulent service or any other reason!

If you would notify us without delay by writing an email and submitting it to the following email address:

[email protected]

Your complaint will stay confidential. We will not divulge to anyone the origin of the complaint whether it be accepted or refused. The confidentiality of our service is assured.


You wish to send to us your commentaries or suggestions:

  • To send your commentaries, you can write to us at the following email address: [email protected]
  • For all suggestions you can write to us at [email protected]

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