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Real Estate  >  Houses Ad #16179554

4 bedroom house for rent. Occupancy immediately

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2490$ Reasonable offer accepted
Chomedey Place Renaud secteur familial recherché, située a quelques pas de l'école primaire Coursol, parcs, à 10 minutes du Métro Montmorency et de tous les services. Spacieuse propriété avec possibilité de 4 chambres à coucher, système chauffage central au gaz. Occupation immédiatement. Visites sur rendez-vous. Chomedey Place Renaud sector family area, located a few steps from Coursol elementary school, parks, 10 minutes from Montmorency Metro and all services. Spacious property with possibility of 4 bedrooms, gas central heating system. Occupancy immediately. Visits by appointment.
Bedrooms : 0
Bathrooms : 0
Posted : 2025-02-24
City : Laval
Distance : 10 Km

4 bedroom house for rent.  Occupancy immediately4 bedroom house for rent.  Occupancy immediately4 bedroom house for rent.  Occupancy immediately
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Name: Mde Annie Wang     Chat Not online
Primary phone number: 438-868-5560
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